Coding for Inclusivity: The Developer’s Guide to Web Accessibility

Accessibility is crucial not only in our everyday lives as we traverse the physical world but also when we access the digital world. According to the Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology (PEAT), “Accessibility means that everyone can use the exact same technology as anyone else – regardless of whether they can manipulate a mouse, how much vision they have, how many colors they can see, how much they can hear, or how they process information.” Accessible content isn’t merely a concern for people with disabilities, but also for online businesses. In fact, businesses with inaccessible online presences are missing out on an estimated $6.9 billion in annual revenues. 

Approximately 1 billion people or, 15% of the world’s population, have some form of disability. As of 2018, 90% of websites are inaccessible to people with disabilities who rely on assistive technology. These staggering numbers highlight the vast amount of work that still needs to be done. This blog will delve into the importance of accessibility and discuss the various ways developers can implement or enhance accessibility in their web content.

Importance of Accessibility

The importance of accessibility in web content cannot be understated. Not only is it a legal requirement in many regions, including the United States under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but it also makes good business sense. An accessible website opens the doors to a wider audience, which includes individuals with disabilities, older people with changing abilities due to aging, and even those with temporary disabilities such as a broken arm. Making a website accessible means ensuring that all users have a fair and equal opportunity to access information, perform transactions, communicate, and use services just like any other user. This is not merely a benefit but a basic right. Furthermore, it aligns with the principles of corporate social responsibility, reinforcing the image of the company as one that is inclusive, understanding, and respectful of all its customers.

Understanding Different Types of Accessibility Needs

Understanding different types of accessibility needs is vital in creating inclusive web content. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Some users may have visual impairments, including color blindness, low vision, or complete blindness, and rely on tools like screen readers or Braille displays. Others may have motor disabilities, making it difficult to use a mouse or keyboard, and instead use voice recognition software or a sip-and-puff device. Hearing-impaired users may require captioning for audio content, while those with cognitive disabilities may need content that is simple and easy to understand. Ensuring that your web content meets the diverse range of accessibility needs requires empathy, a deep understanding of the different assistive technologies used, and adherence to web accessibility guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Our digital world should be designed for all – including those with different abilities. The future of the web lies in the hands of developers who understand this and act accordingly.

Write Code for Screen Readers

Screen readers are assistive technology tools that convert on-screen text and certain on-screen elements into speech or Braille output, making web content accessible to those with visual impairments or severe dyslexia. These software applications ‘read out’ the information on the screen, including navigation menus, text content, and even alt-text for images. To write effective code for screen readers, developers must consider semantic HTML structure, use descriptive labels, and ensure all content is accessible via keyboard navigation. ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) is another valuable tool, providing additional ways to make web applications and widgets more accessible. It introduces ARIA roles, properties, and states, which provide information about elements, their behaviors, and their interactivity. Despite its potential, one common pitfall is over-reliance on ARIA; remember, ARIA should supplement HTML, not replace it. Another frequent issue is failure to manage focus correctly for dynamic content changes, causing confusion for screen reader users.

Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML refers to the use of HTML markup to reinforce the meaning of the information in web pages rather than merely to define its look and layout. This approach is vital for accessibility because it helps assistive technologies like screen readers interpret the content structure and deliver a meaningful reading of the page. Semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <nav>, and <article> inherently convey information about their content, making it easier for these technologies to navigate the page. Proper use of these elements enhances the browsing experience for all users, especially those who rely on assistive technology. Beyond accessibility, semantic HTML also plays a significant role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as search engines use these elements to understand and rank the content better. It also boosts site performance by reducing the need for additional plugins or scripts that non-semantic code often requires. Adopting semantic HTML is therefore a win-win situation, improving the experience for both the user and the search engine.

Safe Color Choices

Color plays a significant role in the overall user experience and readability of web content. Safe color choices consider users with varying degrees of color perception and visual impairment. A key factor in this is the color contrast ratio, which refers to the difference in light between the font (text) color and the background color. High contrast ratios ensure that text is readable even for those with low vision or color vision deficiencies. The WCAG recommends a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text. Tools such as the WebAIM Color Contrast Checker can help test color choices for their accessibility. As an example, black text on a white background provides a high contrast ratio and is generally a good combination. On the other hand, light gray text on a white background is a poor choice due to its low contrast ratio, making it hard to read for many users.

Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard navigation is crucial for users with motor disabilities who may struggle with or be unable to use a mouse. It also benefits those with repetitive stress injuries who need to limit their mouse use. A keyboard-friendly website allows users to navigate using the tab key to jump between interactive elements, such as links, buttons, and form fields. Best practices include ensuring a logical tab order that matches the visual flow of the page, providing visual focus indicators to highlight where keyboard focus currently lies, and avoiding keyboard traps where a user might get stuck in a certain page element. Attributes like tabindex can help manage focus order, and accesskey can provide keyboard shortcuts to important elements. However, it’s worth noting that these should be used sparingly, as they can interfere with screen readers and default keyboard controls. Just like with color choices, thoughtful and inclusive design in keyboard navigation leads to a more accessible web experience.

Captioning and Transcripts

Audio and video content have become a cornerstone of web content, enriching the user experience and facilitating information sharing. However, for the deaf or hard of hearing, and even for those in loud environments or who prefer to have the sound turned off, such content can pose accessibility challenges. The solution is to provide text alternatives for these multimedia elements in the form of captions and transcripts. Captions, which are time-synced text overlays on videos, allow users to follow along with the content visually. Transcripts, on the other hand, are text versions of the audio content that can be provided separately for users to read. When creating captions and transcripts, best practices include ensuring accuracy, matching the pace of the original content, using clear language, and including important non-verbal sounds in captions. This way, every user, irrespective of their hearing ability, can enjoy and benefit from multimedia content.

Accessible Forms

Forms are a common feature of many websites, used for everything from user registration and feedback to e-commerce transactions. For users relying on assistive technologies, interacting with forms can be a hurdle if those forms are not designed with accessibility in mind. The accessibility of form controls and error messages is vital for these users to interact successfully with a website. To create accessible forms, provide meaningful labels for all fields, ensuring they are associated correctly with form elements for screen readers. Group related fields using <fieldset> and <legend> elements. Use <input> types and attributes correctly to provide cues to assistive technologies about the kind of content expected. For error messages, ensure they are clear, concise, and easy to understand. They should also be programmatically associated with the relevant form field so screen reader users are aware of the error. By doing this, you create a more accessible and user-friendly experience, ensuring no user gets frustrated or left behind when navigating your site.

Testing for Accessibility

A critical component of accessible web design and development is regular accessibility testing. Without it, you risk unintentionally excluding users with certain disabilities. Various tools and methodologies can aid in accessibility testing, such as automated accessibility testing tools (like WAVE or axe), manual checks, and testing with assistive technologies. Automated tools can identify common issues, like missing alt text or insufficient color contrast, but they can’t catch everything. Manual testing and assistive technology testing can help fill in the gaps by identifying issues that might affect the user experience. However, one of the most valuable testing methods is user testing with individuals who have disabilities. This approach offers firsthand insights into how your website performs in real-world conditions and highlights any obstacles that might not have been apparent otherwise.

Incorporating Accessibility in the Development Process

Accessibility shouldn’t be an afterthought or a box to be checked at the end of the development process. Instead, it should be incorporated at every stage of design and development. From the initial design concepts and wireframes to the final lines of code, accessibility should be a top consideration. Early integration prevents the need for significant changes down the line, saving time and resources. Some strategies for incorporating accessibility in the development process include establishing clear accessibility standards and guidelines, training your team on these guidelines, and embedding accessibility checks at multiple stages of the development lifecycle. Moreover, engaging with the disability community for user testing can provide invaluable feedback to inform design and development decisions. By making accessibility a core part of the process, you not only create a more inclusive web experience but also foster a culture of inclusivity within your organization.


With the digital world at the heart of our everyday lives, it’s more crucial than ever to ensure its accessibility for all. As developers, we are charged with the noble task of creating an inclusive internet that doesn’t just cater to the majority, but includes everyone, irrespective of their abilities or disabilities. By creating accessible web content, we invite a larger, more diverse audience to interact, engage, and contribute to our digital platforms. It’s not just about ticking a legal or ethical box, but rather, it’s about appreciating the rich diversity of human experience and ensuring that our creations reflect this. Whether it’s incorporating semantic HTML, ensuring safe color choices, focusing on keyboard navigation, creating accessible forms, or testing for accessibility, each step we take in the name of accessibility is a stride towards a more inclusive and equitable world. So let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work on making our websites and applications more accessible and welcoming to everyone.

Featured Image by Hal Gatewood

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