JavaScript Revealed: Demystifying var, let and const

Today we delve into the exciting world of programming and explore the power of JavaScript. As one of the most widely used scripting languages, JavaScript plays a crucial role in modern web development, empowering developers to create dynamic and interactive websites. At the heart of this versatile language lies the concept of variable declaration, a fundamental building block that enables programmers to store and manipulate data. In this article, we will dive into this essential concept and explore how it shapes the functionality and efficiency of our code.So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey into the world of JavaScript and discover the immense value of variables in the realm of programming.

The JavaScript Keywords: var, let, and const

Over the years, JavaScript has evolved, introducing new keywords for variable declaration: var, let, and const. Understanding the history and nuances of these keywords is crucial for mastering JavaScript’s variable declaration capabilities. Originally, the var keyword was the primary method for declaring variables in JavaScript. However, with the introduction of ECMAScript 6 (ES6) in 2015, two new keywords, let and const, were introduced to offer more control and flexibility. The let keyword allows for block-scoped variables, ensuring that variables are confined to their respective blocks. On the other hand, the const keyword enables the creation of constants, which are read-only and cannot be reassigned once defined. These advancements in JavaScript’s variable declaration have greatly enhanced the language’s functionality and provided developers with greater control over their code. Let’s delve further into the intricacies of var, let, and const and explore how they have shaped the landscape of JavaScript programming.


Let’s start by exploring the ‘var’ keyword in JavaScript. ‘var’ is a variable declaration keyword that was the primary method of declaring variables in the language before the introduction of ‘let’ and ‘const.’ It allows developers to declare variables with global or function scope, meaning they can be accessed throughout the entire program or limited to specific functions. Here’s an example of using ‘var’ to declare a variable:

One important concept to understand when using ‘var’ is hoisting. JavaScript hoists variable declarations, which means that variables declared with ‘var’ are moved to the top of their scope during the compilation phase, regardless of where they are actually defined within the code. This can lead to unexpected behavior if not handled carefully. For instance:

In the above example, even though the variable ‘y’ is accessed before its declaration, it is hoisted to the top, resulting in the output of ‘undefined.’ It’s essential to be mindful of hoisting to avoid potential bugs in your code.

Furthermore, ‘var’ has function scope, which means that variables declared with ‘var’ are accessible within the entire function they are defined in. Let’s take a look at an example to illustrate this:

In this example, the variable ‘z’ is defined within the ‘myFunction’ function and can be accessed within that function’s scope. However, trying to access it outside the function results in a ReferenceError since the variable is not defined in the outer scope.


Now let’s turn our attention to the ‘let’ keyword in JavaScript. ‘let’ is a block-scoped variable declaration keyword introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) as an alternative to ‘var.’ It allows developers to declare variables that are limited to the block in which they are defined, such as inside a loop or an if statement. Here’s an example of using ‘let’ to declare a variable:

With ‘let,’ variables are scoped to the nearest enclosing block, ensuring that they are only accessible within that specific block. This block scoping behavior helps prevent variable collisions and provides a clearer and more predictable code structure. Take a look at the following example:

In this example, we have two separate variables named ‘y’ defined using ‘let’ – one inside the if statement block and another within the myFunction block. The ‘let’ keyword allows us to create a new variable ‘y’ that is distinct and scoped to its respective block.

Another concept associated with ‘let’ is the temporal dead zone (TDZ). The TDZ is a behavior that occurs when accessing a variable before it is declared with ‘let’ within its block scope. Attempting to access the variable during this period will result in a ReferenceError. Consider the following example:

In this case, accessing ‘z’ before its declaration results in a ReferenceError due to the temporal dead zone. It’s important to note that the TDZ only applies to variables declared with ‘let’ and ‘const’ keywords, not ‘var.’


Now let’s turn our attention to the ‘const’ keyword in JavaScript. ‘Const’ is another variable declaration keyword introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), alongside ‘let.’ It allows developers to declare variables that are constant or immutable, meaning their value cannot be reassigned once defined. Here’s an example of using ‘const’ to declare a variable:

With ‘const,’ variables are also block-scoped like ‘let,’ ensuring their accessibility is limited to the block in which they are defined. This block scoping behavior allows for more precise control and avoids unintended variable modifications. Consider the following example:

In this example, we have two separate variables named ‘y’ declared using ‘const’ – one within the if statement block and another within the myFunction block. The block scoping of ‘const’ ensures that each ‘y’ variable is confined to its respective block.

While ‘const’ variables are immutable, it’s important to note that this immutability applies only to the binding between the variable name and its value. It does not make the value itself immutable. For instance:

In the above example, attempting to reassign a new value to the ‘const’ variable ‘PI’ will throw a TypeError. However, if the value itself is an object or an array, the properties or elements of the object or array can still be modified. This is because the immutability of ‘const’ applies to the binding of the variable, not the underlying data structure.

Comparison between var, let, and const

Now let’s compare the three variable declaration keywords in JavaScript: ‘var,’ ‘let,’ and ‘const.’ Here’s a detailed breakdown of their differences and similarities:

When choosing which keyword to use, it’s important to consider the specific requirements and characteristics of your code. Here are some best practices and considerations:

  • Use ‘var’ sparingly, as its function scope and hoisting behavior can lead to unintended side effects and potential bugs. Prefer ‘let’ or ‘const’ for block scoping and clearer code structure.

  • Use ‘let’ when you need to declare a variable that may be reassigned within its block scope. It provides flexibility while maintaining block-level encapsulation.

  • Use ‘const’ when you have a variable that should remain constant or immutable throughout its lifecycle. This is particularly useful for defining constants or values that should not be modified.

  • When working with objects or arrays declared with ‘const,’ remember that the immutability applies to the binding of the variable, not the properties or elements of the object/array. Be cautious when modifying the contents of ‘const’ objects or arrays to avoid unintended side effects.

  • Embrace block scoping with ‘let’ and ‘const’ to limit the accessibility of variables and reduce the likelihood of naming conflicts or unintended modifications.

Understanding const Objects and Arrays

While the ‘const’ keyword in JavaScript typically implies immutability, it behaves differently when used with objects and arrays. In the context of objects and arrays, ‘const’ binds a variable to a specific value, but it doesn’t make the value itself immutable. This means that while you cannot reassign a new object or array to a ‘const’ variable, you can still modify the properties or elements of the object or array. Let’s explore this behavior with some coding examples:

In the above examples, we declare a ‘const’ object and a ‘const’ array. Although we cannot reassign a new object or array to the ‘const’ variables, we can still update their properties or elements respectively. This behavior allows us to modify the internal structure of the object or array without violating the binding established by the ‘const’ declaration.

However, it’s essential to exercise caution when working with ‘const’ objects and arrays. While you can modify their properties or elements, you should avoid completely reassigning them, as that would violate the immutability aspect associated with ‘const’ variables. It’s good practice to use ‘const’ with objects and arrays when you want to ensure the binding between the variable name and the initial value remains unchanged throughout the program execution.

Misconceptions and Clarifications about var, let, and const

There are several common misconceptions surrounding the usage of ‘var,’ ‘let,’ and ‘const’ in JavaScript. Let’s address and clarify some of these misconceptions with coding examples:

  1. Misconception: ‘var’ has block scope. Clarification: Unlike ‘let’ and ‘const,’ ‘var’ has function scope. Variables declared with ‘var’ are accessible throughout the entire function, regardless of the block they are defined in. Here’s an example to illustrate this:

In this example, even though ‘x’ is defined within the if statement block, it is still accessible outside of that block due to ‘var’ having function scope.

  1. Misconception: ‘const’ makes objects and arrays immutable. Clarification: While ‘const’ prevents reassignment of the entire object or array, it does not make the properties or elements within them immutable. They can still be modified. Consider the following example:

Here, we can see that even though ‘myObject’ is declared as a ‘const,’ we are still able to modify its properties.

  1. Misconception: ‘let’ and ‘const’ cannot be hoisted. Clarification: While ‘let’ and ‘const’ are subject to the temporal dead zone, they are still hoisted to the top of their respective blocks. However, accessing them before their declaration within the block will result in a ReferenceError due to the temporal dead zone. Here’s an example:

In this example, trying to access ‘myVariable’ before its declaration leads to a ReferenceError within the temporal dead zone.


In wrapping up, we’ve delved into the heart of JavaScript’s variable declaration, unmasking the intricacies of ‘var,’ ‘let,’ and ‘const.’ Each keyword has unique characteristics, behaviors, and best practices. While ‘var’ is function-scoped and prone to hoisting, it is less commonly used due to the block-scoping and enhanced control offered by ‘let’ and ‘const.’ ‘Let’ provides flexibility with variable reassignment within block scope, while ‘const’ safeguards our code by establishing variables that remain constant throughout their lifecycle. However, remember that the immutability associated with ‘const’ pertains to the variable binding and not to the properties or elements of objects or arrays.

Common misconceptions about these keywords were also addressed, helping clarify their actual behaviors within the JavaScript ecosystem. This understanding aids in navigating potential pitfalls and writing more robust, efficient code.

As we forge ahead in our programming journey, a deep comprehension of these keywords is a valuable tool. By choosing the appropriate keyword in each scenario, we can cultivate clearer, more maintainable code that adheres to best practices. This is not merely a journey of mastering JavaScript, but a wider adventure in the vast landscape of programming. Embrace the journey, keep learning, and continue to demystify the world of code!